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Frank Brotherton, Ph.D.Elena Herndon, M.D.Margaret Smith, LCSW

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Frank Brotherton, Ph.D.


Dr. Brotherton comes to us with a Ph.D. in Psychology from Tulane University. In addition he has completed two postdoctoral fellowships, one in Pain Management from the Pain Control and Rehabilitation Institute of Georgia and one from Emory University in Head Injury. He has also completed two years of postdoctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at Georgia State University and did over 4,000+ hours in supervised clinical practice at various locations in Atlanta, Georgia. He practices psychology with specialties in behavior therapy and cognitive therapy applied to anxiety and mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and pain management, among other disorders.

Dr. Brotherton founded the Department of Psychology at Xavier University in New Orleans, LA and served on the medical school faculties of Emory University and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has 34 years of clinical experience and 15 years of experience teaching psychology at the college level.



Located at Brookwood Medical Center

in the Professional Office Building, Suite 310


Please call (205) 329-7815 for an appointment.





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