What causes a stroke?
Stroke is a disease that affects the blood vessels that supply blood
to the brain.
A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that brings oxygen and nutrients
to the brain bursts or is clogged by a blood clot or some other mass.
Because of this rupture or blockage, part of the brain doesn't get the
blood and oxygen it needs. Deprived of oxygen, nerve cells in the
affected area of the brain can't work and die within minutes. And when
nerve cells can't work, the part of the body they control can't work
either. The devastating effects of a severe stroke are often permanent
because dead brain cells aren't replaced.
There are two main types of stroke. One (ischemic stroke)
is caused by blockage of a blood vessel; the other (hemorrhagic
stroke) is caused by bleeding. Bleeding strokes have a much
higher fatality rate than strokes caused by clots.
What is ischemic stroke?
Ischemic stroke is the most common type. It accounts for about 88
percent of all strokes. It occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms and
blocks blood flow in an artery bringing blood to part of the brain.
Blood clots usually form in arteries damaged by fatty buildups, called
When the blood clot forms within an artery of the brain, it's called
cerebral thrombotic stroke. These often occur at night or first thing in
the morning. Another distinguishing feature is that very often they're
preceded by a transient ischemic attack. This is also called a TIA or
"warning stroke."
What is a cerebral embolism?
A wandering clot (an embolus) or some other particle that forms away
from the brain, usually in the heart, may also cause an ischemic stroke.
This is called cerebral embolism. The clot is carried by the bloodstream
until it lodges in an artery leading to or in the brain, blocking the
flow of blood.
The most common cause of these emboli is blood clots that form during
atrial fibrillation (AF). AF is a disorder found in about 2.2 million
Americans. It's responsible for 15–20 percent of all strokes. In AF, the
heart's two small upper chambers (the atria) quiver instead of beating
effectively. Some blood isn't pumped completely out of them when the
heart beats, so it pools and clots. When a blood clot enters the
circulation and lodges in a narrowed artery of the brain, a stroke
What is hemorrhagic stroke?
A subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel on the brain's
surface ruptures and bleeds into the space between the brain and the
skull (but not into the brain itself).
A cerebral hemorrhage occurs when a defective artery in the brain
bursts, flooding the surrounding tissue with blood.
Hemorrhage (or bleeding) from an artery in the brain can be caused by
a head injury or a burst aneurysm. Aneurysms are blood-filled pouches
that balloon out from weak spots in the artery wall. They're often
caused or made worse by high blood pressure. Aneurysms aren't always
dangerous, but if one bursts in the brain, they cause a hemorrhagic
When a cerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs, the loss of a
constant blood supply means some brain cells no longer can work.
Accumulated blood from the burst artery also may put pressure on
surrounding brain tissue and interfere with how the brain works. Severe
or mild symptoms can result, depending on the amount of pressure.
The amount of bleeding determines the severity of cerebral
hemorrhages. In many cases, people with cerebral hemorrhages die of
increased pressure on their brains. But those who live tend to recover
much more than people who've had strokes caused by a clot. That's
because when a blood vessel is blocked, part of the brain dies — and the
brain doesn't regenerate. But when a blood vessel in the brain bursts,
pressure from the blood compresses part of the brain. If the person
survives, gradually the pressure goes away. Then the brain may regain
some of its former function.
For stroke information, call the American Stroke Association at
1-888-4-STROKE. |